Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Hand Drawn Animation Tribute

Inspired by 1920's animation like Steamboat Willie, Bendy and the Ink Machine features a Felix the cat inspired hand drawn character that it out to attack the main protagonist in this indie horror game. https://www.bendyandtheinkmachine.com/


As a tribute to this series clever visual design I wished to make a hand drawn homage to the mascot of the series. Using traditional animation techniques I made a small looping animation of the character dancing.

Before adding characteristics to my animation I focused on making the animation fluid first.

Bendy Can Bend Those Knees from Sophie Wales on Vimeo.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Messy Leftovers

I decided to attempt traditional calligraphy. Turns out that doing calligraphy is difficult. Really difficult. However the process I found to be complex and exciting. When I was finished with my attempt, I kept the sheet I was working on top of to scan. 

The scan gives a sense of self satisfaction so I decided I wanted to create something visual with it. Playing around with the image in Photoshop I thought it would be fun to implement a musical score that represented my process. I picked Johannes Brahms - Hungarian Dance No. 5. This classical piece is inspired by Hungarian folk music and gives a sense of fun and chaos.

Flatland Visual Process

While creating my Flatland collaborative video I made personal sketches and notes inspired by the piece of text I was given. The process of going through the text as doodles help give clarity to the content.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Presentation is Key

To portray my best work I thought it best to display it in a more professional and clean manner than a simple blog post. I decided to create a personalised portfolio website to show my work. The website platform I used is called Persona. It has a large variety of options in terms of customisation and layout, making it a fun and versatile choice to display my work.

A lot of my work tends to rely on simplicity or almost unnerving imagery so I decided to use a 'tv screen' glitch effect over my featured side work. It matches the aesthetic of the piece as it is inspired on a cyberpunk novel.

The website I created is split into two main different categories: 'Work' and 'Play'. I wish to feature my university driven pieces on the 'work' category allowing more freedom and personal work to reside in the 'play' one. I also ensured my homepage had social media links to other creative outlets I use ; in this case Vimeo and Instagram.




The Work I presented on my website is as follows:
