Cornelius and Onion is an original created series by Jcrow. To work on the collaboration I asked for some sketches of the character Onion to work with. This character is small, quirky and full of character so I thought it would lend well to a pattern as well as giving freedom for variety regarding posing and emotions.
See their work here:
Based on the work previously done by Jcrow they tend to use a lot of bright colours or pastels with thick lines. I wanted to stick to the feeling given by the work of the original artist in the patterns I made.
The sketch I got given was the one below, hand drawn and scanned onto the PC before being sent to me:
I then took these sketches into Adobe Illustrator to vector them making them more appropriate for large scaling or morphing. I made a large variety of different colours and styles all fitting with the theme of the series and character.
Making a few variations meant there would be more variety for Jcrow to work with if needed. I made most of my patterns scaled to a standard size of 1920x1080 but can easily adjust them if they are needed for a more specific use.
All of the patterns I made are below but due to the character not being owned by me I have chosen to watermark the images: