This session was focused around how type can convey emotion through words based on layout, font and how type can help convey a message.
With this concept in mind, we were given 3 different fonts that we had to utilise to fit a quote. The fonts we had available to us were DIN a Deutsche utilitarian sans serif font, Comic Sans and cooper BLK. Each of these fonts have a very distinct type style that is suited to different scenarios and context. The quote was given to us ahead of time to avoid distraction from the process of thinking of a quote and was apparently our star sign horoscope of the day. Not something i'm personally a big fan of.
When writing out my quote I picked out the more prominent words in the quote to attempt to emphasise them correctly.
I intentionally used the Cooper BLK font on the word 'feelings' as sans serif fonts are often provoke more emotional and 'hand written' aesthetics visually and historically than the more utilitarian and mechanical visuals of DIN.
I took a similar approach to the word 'easy' relating it to childhood posters that schools may have, often using the Comic sans for its known to be easier to read.
The rest of the quote was in Din due to it being more practical and less emotional. Din is a strong font and it has good emphasis to strong words. Because of this I made the word 'deepest' in a bold capital to contrast the rest of the quote.
After creating our personal typographic poster we were put into teams to work on a larger scale version of the task. The quotes available to use were three different sets of song lyrics which we had to divvy out between us to work on. The song we chose had the same number of people in as lines of lyrics, easily giving each person in our group their own lyric line to work on. We encouraged the core font to be DIN once again due to its strong appearance and were encouraged to 'do our own thing' to the type we were given.
Once glued together and constructed we added more personal flair through colours and doodles to represent our personalities and themes of the lyrics.
To further expand on this session I tried to do a more controlled typographic poster. I used the same font that was available to me in the lesson but had more control over the kerning and text layout. The poster was inspired by my current 'student' feelings on feeling poor but not being able to stop myself from buying more art supplies for projects. Something that may seem quite familiar to a lot of creative types who horde art supplies and stationary.