While Exploring the history of surrealism I came across a short video just going over basic themes in Surrealism with famous actor Peter Capaldi, Though not relevant to my work I found it to be a short and interesting video as it mentions a lot of popular themes of the surrealist movement.
The Man in the Bowler Hat by Rene Margritte is a well known surrealist piece that i think would be fun to replicate. The face being covered is supposed to provoke questions and give a sense of mystery and whimsy. To adapt this image for my own work I want to focus on it being otherworldly. To create similar likeness in shapes I want to make the censorship of the image to be of a coffee cup to modernise the image. With modernisation in mind I thought it would be fun to add the phrase " can i get a venti human to go?". This plays with the idea of an alternative universe where coffee can order humans from a shop contrasting to the reality of the situation. It was just a fun little idea/sketch I had in mind while exploring work of surrealist artists while reflecting on my own current project. I made a quick sketch which at some point I would like to recreate to a more professional calibre later. I wish to use warm tones on the 'character' to contrast the cool colours of the clouds. It is common to see re-occurring themes of clouds in surrealistic works as it suggests a dream-like state.